Tuesday, October 14, 2014

What Youth Pastors Wish Their Senior Pastors Would Do - By Eddie v. Rentz

I Wish My Senior Pastor Would…
1. take at least 2 hours a week and disciple me, train me in all areas of ministry, hold me accountable, be honest even when it hurts, correct me, and encourage me.
2. ask for my input on decisions that affect my ministry.
3. recognize the need to communicate more with me.
4. understand that a lack of planning on his part does constitute an emergency on my part.
5. see the youth as a vital force of the church now, not just in the future.
6. dedicate more time in building a personal relationship with me and not just a working relationship.
7. allow me to focus more on youth ministry and not so much on associate duties.
8. be more relevant in his thinking so we could reach more people effectively.
9. cast more vision to the staff as a whole and not keep us guessing where his heart is.
10. grant more freedom to spend money on effective youth ministry outreaches and events that have eternal rewards.
11. feel a freedom to delegate more ministry to lay leaders to take pressure off the staff.
12. spend more time focusing on the ministry within the church than on his golf game.
13. be more compassionate toward people.
14. live what he preaches.
15. show more respect to his wife in public.
16. be more relevant by not restricting the youth ministry from using multimedia in presenting the gospel.
17. plan ahead and not overwhelm me with too many responsibilities, thus respecting my time.
18. affirm me more.
19. not take me for granted.
20. have more of a spirit of excellence pertaining to his ministry and leadership to others.
–Taken from an informal poll received on a youth pastors Email list serve.

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